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International Cancer Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

March 24 -26, 2025 | Singapore
ICC 2022

Roque Gabriel Wiseman Pinto

Speaker at Cancer Conference 2022 - Roque Gabriel Wiseman Pinto
Goa Medical College, India
Title : Recent advances in pediatric renal tumors


In the pediatric age group, Wilms Tumor (Nephro blastoma), is the commonest (85%). The others being Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma, Clear Cell Sarcoma and Rhabdoid Tumor.

Wilms Tumor is a Malignant Embryonal Tumor arising from the Nephrogenic blastema and has 3 components blastema, epithelial and stromal component,(triphasic), sometime it is biphasic and monophasic. The prognosis and management is done by 2 systems.

  1. SIOP (International Society of Pediatric Oncology) and
  2. COG (Children Oncology Group)

The Genetic markers are WT1 gene at chromosome 11p13, WT2 gene at chromosome 11p15, PAX6, Familial WT1, Familial WT2 and LOH (Loss of Heterozygosity) The Pathological features, like Gross, Microscopy, Clinical features etc will be discussed.

The prognosis depends on the Tumor stage at Diagnosis, Histology, Favourable verses unfavourable histology (diffuse  anaplasia),  age, LOH at chromosome 1p and 16q.

The other tumors are Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma which presents at birth or below 6 months of age, has ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion, Clear Cell Sarcoma (poor prognosis) and BCOR gene, and the Rhabdoid Tumor which has loss of SMARCB1 (1N1 – deficient tumor)


Dr.Pinto completed MBBS & MD Pathology from Goa Medical College & University of Bombay standing First in the University. He also passed National Board of Examination (DNB) in Pathology. He joined the Pathology Department of Goa Medical College on 1st February 1984 as a Demonstrator and has been promoted and served the Department as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor & Head and Dean Goa University. Currently he is the Professor and Head of Pathology Department,Goa Medical College. He has 230 Publications and has been invited as Faculty for International Conferences, CMEs and workshops all over the World. He is the Editor in Chief of Todays Clinician and Member of  Editorial Board of many Journals. He has organized many International Conferences and CMEs , in Goa and has held many prestigious positions in Academic bodies like President Indian Academy of Cytologists, President Asian Society of Cytopathology, Chairman International Affairs Committee, IAC,Chairman , Board of Studies, Goa University, Executive Council Member Goa University, Academic Council Member Goa University, Chairman Multi  Disciplinary Research Unit(MRU), Professor In charge  Medical Education Unit, Goa Medical College.
