Sandrine LACOMBE is full professor in Chemical-Physics at Paris Saclay university. After her PhD, she was granted a Fritz Haber fellowship to join the group of Prof G. Ertl, Nobel prize, at the Fritz Haber Institut der Max Planck Gessellshaft (Berlin, Germany). She’s been invited in labs worldwide, among which, the Sherbrooke hospital (Canada), the nuclear center of Bariloche (Argentina), the Center of Nanosciences of Sydney university (Australia). Expert in nanosciences and particle therapy, she’s leading a research group focused on theranostics in hadrontherapy to improve cancer treatments. She’s author of 90 papers and supervised 10 PhDs. In parallel, she’s leading an international master course in physical chemistry for medical and environmental applications (SERP+) labeled 3 times Erasmus Mundus by the EU Commission. Recently, she joined the governing board of the Paris Saclay university as Vice President for International and European Affairs, and she’s also heading the Eropean University Alliance for Global Health -EUGLOH.
Title : Will be Updated Soon..